Monday, October 29, 2007
Conversation Domination... WEB 2.0
For the last couple of years I knew they were out there but didn't even know who they are and how to become a member... then i found the very powerful tools of Howie The Web 2.0 Wizard.
I started applying his tools and immediately started moving up in Google and getting tons and tons of one-way, inbound links.
Check out his site at Conversation Domination don't expect the fancy hard-sell web-site. It is a striped down site and these tools are not for everyone...
But if you are ready to rock - just join Howie... you will not regret it.
Conversation Domination
There are two main keys to success on the web...
First is traffic - an ongoing flow of excited, targeted and ready to purchase
I will say more on this in a moment... including touching on the three main
ways to get traffic and which are best for you.
Next you need a rapid, reliable and profitable way to convert the traffic into
To transform - suspects into prospects - prospects into customers
- and lastly - customers into raving fans.
To do these two important tasks quickly, easily and profitably you need some pretty powerful,
leverage-able (is that a real word) and simple tools.
Here are two of the best - the internet and the telephone... sort of like
peanut butter and chocolate.
Get 8 Marketing Advantages ~ Exactly 8 critical advantages I have whenever I conduct my own teleseminars and win more sales at the speed of sound | |
Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes ~ Precisely 7 huge mistakes most marketers make during their teleseminars … and how I can instantly avoid them | |
Sidestep Humiliating Mistakes ~ Specifically 9 embarrassing mistakes most marketers before their teleseminars … and how to avoid them | |
Learn The 7-Step Plan ~ Learn The 7-Step Plan ~ Utilize my time-tested plan to quickly triple your passive income as an “Interviewer” of world’s top industry leaders | |
Case Studies For Cash ~ Part-the-curtain on my 4 most closely-guarded teleseminar campaigns that each produced over six-figures in annual income, but required less than 2 hours of effort (each) | |
Outsourcing Strategies ~ At least 5 core attributes to find low-cost reliable vendors to write sales copy with greater pulling-power, build high-conversion web sites, reliably record and transcribe audio content with fast turnaround times … | |
List-Building ~ Quickly, easily and repeatedly utilize my teleseminars to automatically build highly responsive online lists from scratch |
I have gotten a special discount from Alex for you - so you can save $79 on the
intro - meaning it will only cost you $20 to listen and discover the keys to
This is one of the best customer conversion methods (sales) I have ever
Now you need traffic to sell your products and service to - that's where the
Special $695 bonus comes in.
One of my companies does a 54 point website review
( where we look at 20 SEO key areas and 34
marketing points so your site becomes a traffic generating machine.
We will go through the 3 ways to get traffic to your site - buying (PPC),
building (SEO) and borrowing (JVs & Affiliates) and help you decide the best mix
for you.
Now how do you get us to do all that work for you web-site for free...
Simple (sort of) just sign up to take Alex's Teleseminar Secrets
class using our affiliate link.
Now let me be very, very, very clear here. When say sign up for Alex's class -
I am not talking about the evening introduction - Yes that's a great start,
but what i am talking about is the complete training that happens over
about 6 weeks (using of course - teleseminars).
If you are so committed to your success that you're willing to take the full
Teleseminar Secrets class, (by the way, i have taken it twice) then I will help
you by reviewing the single site of your choice.
If you are committed to your success - I will help by review what single
site you choose.
Now because what we do is so labor intensive, we are limiting it to only the
first 10 people.
To get started today, click and sign up for the intro - if you are already now
you want to take the complete Teleseminar Secrets... and get your site 54
Marketing & SEO Diagnostic Overhaul... call my office today and we can
get you started (970) 586-7734.
What people are saying about the BONUS...
Then Paul and Darrell performed an in-depth qualitative and quantitative review, and they found many additional SEO options and improvements. As a result, our new visitor hits have increased substantially and we've added new functions on our Home Page. I strongly encourage anyone wanting to raise their on-line visibility to call and utilize the services of Paul and Darrell. Peter Meisen, Global Energy Network Institute
Paul Sterling
Your Internet Marketing Coach
PS Go there now to save your space... and get you VIP DISCOUNT CODE.
PPS if you would like to get our free Teleseminars Tips Report - Just ask a
question below and fill in your name and email.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Teleseminar Secrets... Free Guide - Top 5 Tips
Discover how to use teleseminars to make money, to create an unfair advantage in your affiliate programs, to build your online business quickly, to make money with joint ventures and to create profitable products that are easy to sell.
Find out how you can take advantage of this incredibly flexible business building opportunity.
WARNING: you must understand and avoid these 5 most common and embarrassing mistakes most beginners.. and some experts make.
Get you free guide today, print it out and study it. Find out what the internet gurus are keeping hidden about the power and simplicity of teleseminars.
We are giving out this valuable guide 'Teleseminar Money Making Secrets' for several weeks because we are creating buzz for a $2,000 teleseminar class that is coming up. Once the class is over, then this guide will no longer be free.
To get your free guide that lays out these closely guarded money making secrets on how to make your teleseminars a success...
Just enter your name, email and zip code (we want to know what time zone you in because we will be offering a couple of free teleseminars on how to use... you guessed it - Free Teleseminars To Build Your Business).
Then hit submit and watch you email for your free guide.
Then hit submit and watch you email for your free guide.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Alex Mandossian - The Millionaire Maker is Doing it Again - over the Phone…
Secrets is doing it again.
Dear Friends,
Warning: This is not for everyone. In fact the $1,995 price tag may be the most expensive class you have ever taken…
I know it was way more then I was used to spending...
Will it work for you...? Take this 7 question quiz to see what it can do for your marketing program. http://www.TakeTeleseminarSecrets.Com
The key here is Alex over delivers ever time, that is why people like Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen, Harv Ecker are all speaking his praise. (see testimonials below)
He has interviewed on live teleseminars almost every one of the top internet marketers and business leaders.
But enough about Alex… the real reason you are reading this email is to see what he can do for you. Can he really teach you to make millions over the phone?
Join us for this introduction and find out!
>>If Only Napoleon Had This 83 Years Ago << style="font-weight: bold;">* * * Your VIP Discount Code is: AM3964 * * *
To get the full story, click this link now:
This is my special affiliate link and when you use it to sing up for the class it entitles you to some special bonuses.
I will be working with a few people (only those who sign up using my link) to help you:
I will help you design your first teleseminar
I will even host it on my services
(200 people can listen on the phone
and another 2,000 over the internet)
I will also host the call and interview you… all you have to do is talk and relax
So sign up for the introduction call now and make sure you have a pen and paper ready
for the call because it will be filled with powerful information on how to reach more
people more effectively and more profitably then ever before.
Now Answer These 7 Questions And Instantly Get Your Free Custom Electronic Marketing Analysis™ With Time-Tested Strategies For Getting More Traffic And More Customers. http://www.TakeTeleseminarSecrets.Com
With Passion, Purpose and Power,
Paul Sterling
Ps Remember the only way to get the bonuses
is to use my affiliate link and then email a short note saying you have signed up.
PPS Take advantage of the discount code
above and see if making money over the phone is for you.
"Alex is one of the most effective,
hard-working, clear thinking,
originating guys on the planet."
Mark Victor Hansen co-author and creator of
the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and One
Minute Millionaire series
"I've never seen so many moneymaking
strategies that are so drop-dead powerful."
Joe Vitale best-selling author, renowned
copywriter and P.T. Barnum historian
"Alex is a natural born teacher, and he
really puts himself into the experience of
his students on the other side of the
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero