Thursday, November 29, 2007
To Help You Get Started....
But first watch this 5 minute video.... more details to follow in next post....
make sure to bookmark this site before clicking on the video so you can back here after it's done...
In the mean time make sure to check out Alex Mandossian's Teleseminar Secrets preview call.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Hardest Part About Teleseminars is...
The first one is always the hardest - so lets get you started, even if it's with training wheels.
This is a simple step-by-step example to get you going - later I will show you how to make money with teleseminar secrets revealed.
For this example...
Everyone always asks about your mother cake baking secret recipes.
So here we go - your mom will be the expert - and you will be interviewing her.
The product she is selling is an ebook for $19.95 Mom Super Secret Baking Recipes
1) open an account with a teleseminar (conference calling company)
here is a free service that evens records your calls for later playback
2) decide if you are going to be the expert or interview someone else... In the case you are interviewing your mom.
3) design the call - normally between 45 - 70 minutes - in this case 45 minuites...
4) create a studyguide for people to follow along with the call.
5) create a series of emails (3 of them is normal)
Subject line - MOM finally cracks under pressure and reveals super-secret family recipes.
send emails out 7 days in advance - 3 days in advance - day of call....
6) send them out - make sure to include
- the phone number
- the passcode
- the study guide
- th time of call - and the time zone
8) timing of the call...
- first 10 minutes - introduce self and mom - reason for call
- the call starts 3 tips of the 55 covered in the ebook
- 25 minutes call to action - go to our web-site and buy ebook
- 2 more tips
- final call to action
Here is an example of a teleseminar Kristin and I did about Compassionate Communication for Couples... we gave it away to listeners on radio show interview with Playboy Radio.
Make sure to learn more with by listening in on a teleseminar with Alex Mandossian.
Sign up today to take advantage of a $79 coupon - meaning you only pay $20 - but only if you use this special link.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Teleseminar Secrets Introduction $79 Discount Coupon
This LIVE teleseminar is so you can discover how to sell more info products, software, services, consumer goods or practically anything else you can think of … faster, better, with less human effort!
During this LIVE training call, Alex will reveal time-proven teleseminar secrets that can dramatically boost your sales and profits WITHOUT making you spend a single dime more on advertising or promotional costs…
Also understand that these are the same strategies Alex utilized to repeatedly (and almost effortlessly) generate more sales and branding value for top business leaders such as Stephen Covey, Harv Eker, Vic Conant, Joe Vitale, Joe Polish, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, David Bach, Robert Cialdini, Bob Proctor, Barbara DeAngelis, Joe Vitale, Scott Martineau, Steve Harrison, David Allen, Ted Thomas, Tom Antion, Jay Abraham and many, many others...
Further more that Alex will reveal the identical teleseminar tactics that have made him $1.6 million in 10 months … working-from-home with only one employee!
How to Teleseminar - I wanted to make sure this amazing money making strategy was available to almost anyone... so I have arranged for a discount coupon so you save $79 dollars. This Teleseminar Secrets Class was $99 (and worth much more) but now, as my guest you only pay $20.
Teleseminar Secrets $79 Discount Coupon
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Teleseminar Tools... The conference Service.
The free ones first... and there is lots of them, i have not done a study of them, i just found a couple that worked over time and stuck with them.
Free Conference offers a wide variety of services - many of them are free (very cool when starting up) including free recording.
Another one we have used is
And here is the last one - which is what we use now because of it's extra features.
Instant Teleseminars.
These include the interactivity over the web... people can ask questions live - using an IM system (instant messaging) - you can have up to 200 listening over the phone, 2000 over the web.
INSTANT REPLAY recording of the calls. This feature alone is worth the price.
click here for a replay example...
Rick, the owner, has given me the option to let you Get a 21-Day Trial for $1
Here is my affliate link to make sure you get the special
Which ever way you choose, pick one today and get started.
to your success,
Paul Sterling
PS Don't forget to take the 7 question quiz...
Do YOU Have What it Takes To Be An INTERNET MARKETER?
Take this 7 question quiz and see if you got what it takes and more...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Do YOU Have What it Takes To Be An INTERNET MARKETER?
To win at this game you need at least these two key things.
The first is determination... willingness to work harder, work smarter, learn more and add more value to you customers...
And the second is an edge, either in the product you deliver or the way you deliver it...
Take the Internet Marketing Quiz... and see if you got what it takes or are going to get your butt kicked all over the web?
click here and good luck.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Turn Cold Prospects Into Hot Customers With One...
Almost every internet Marketing Guru out there says the money is in the list.
Every heard that?
Well it partly true and mainly BS.
Yes you need a list, but if that was all that mattered you could use a phone book... or buy a list off the internet.
There are several problems with that, first, unless they asked for and want your email, it's spam. And that can get you shut down quickly.
Second thing is unless they feel like they know you, they like you and they trust you... you don't really stand a chance of selling them anything.
On a daily basis I get emails telling me some distant rich relative died leaving me millions and all I need to do is send them my name (that's a clue right there - if we were really related they would have my name) my address... and oh yes, my bank account number so they can just deposit the money.
My first reaction, and I hope it's your's to, is no way... then delete.
So how do you get past the gate keeper and build a relationship of interest and trust with cold prospects? How do light a fire under their butt so they excited about buying what you have to sell?
Simple, not always easy, but simple.
Give before you ask for anything in return... provide something very valuable to them for free so they are going WOW, if that's what they are giving away... I can't wait to see what the are selling.
One key strategy for doing this is... Free Teleseminars – or low cost ones… these are like conference calls on steroids. These calls normally last between 30 - 70 minutes and cover some topic of interest to your prospects.
The topics are usually “HOW TO do something” and need to tie into what you are marketing and can range from "Internet Marketing" to "SEO" to "Dog Training Tips" to "Building Blogs For Play or Profit" to "Relationship Coaching" to you guessed it, even "Teleseminar Secrets" - how to use teleseminars to create millions or maybe just financial freedom so one person can quit their job and stay home with the kids.
You can also provide a way to answer questions and interact with your prospects.
Once they have heard you on the phone they start to trust you. This is especially true if you call was personal, profession and provided lots of value.
To help you know if this is for you i want you to do two thing... don't worry, they are both pretty easy.
First go down to my FREE GUIDE Entry and fill in your name and email address - I will then send you the Teleseminar Secrets FREE GUIDE
Then the next thing takes a little more commitment. I have tried to make it as painless as possible but it will still take a little over an hour and $20 bucks. That is a $79 savings
What i am suggesting is if you are serious at all about learning what it takes to really succeed on the internet - learn from the best. Click Here and Sign up for the Teleseminar about teleseminars.
So in closing... turn your cold prospects into hot customers with one power pack, information full, value adding teleseminar phone call. Get started today.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
What People Are Saying Behind Alex Mandossian's Back...
"Alex knows what he is doing, he leads by example...His techniques are worth their weight in gold. "
Armand Morin
"I've never seen so many moneymaking strategies that are so drop-dead powerful."
Joe Vitale best-selling author, renowned
copywriter and P.T. Barnum historian
"There's nobody better at the teleseminar format than Alex Mandossian"
Martin Wales host of Entrepreneur Magazine,
e-biz show, and
Get Your Free Teleseinar Guide 'Teleseminar Tips and Money Making Secrets' The does and don't of making money and building your list with teleseminars.
Just enter your first name and email below and we will email you a copy of this powerful guide.
Then hit submit and watch you email for your free guide.