Saturday, November 29, 2008
How do you increase your email list with teleseminars?
Monday, November 17, 2008

"Discover how to use teleseminars to make money,
to create an unfair advantage in your affiliate
programs, to build your online business quickly, to
make money with joint ventures and to create
profitable products that are easy to sell.
Find out how you can take advantage of this incredibly flexible
business building opportunity."
By the end of this call on
Dec. 4th at 6pm Pacific
(9pm Eastern)
You’ll be able to…
Claim Marketing Advantages ~ Exactly 8 critical advantages I
have whenever I conduct my own teleseminars and win more sales at
the speed of sound
Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes ~ Precisely 7 huge mistakes most
marketers make during their teleseminars … and how you can
instantly avoid them
Sidestep Humiliating Mistakes ~ Specifically 9 embarrassing
mistakes most marketers before their teleseminars … and how to
avoid them
Learn The 7-Step Plan ~ Utilize your time-tested plan to quickly
triple my passive income as an “Interviewer” of world's top
industry leaders
Case Studies For Cash ~ Part-the-curtain on your 4 most
closely-guarded teleseminar campaigns that each produced over
six-figures in annual income, but required less than 2 hours of
effort (each)
Outsourcing Strategies ~ At least 5 core attributes to find
low-cost reliable vendors to write sales copy with greater
pulling-power, build high-conversion web sites, reliably record
and transcribe audio content with fast turnaround times …
List-Building ~ Quickly, easily and repeatedly utilize my
teleseminars to automatically build highly responsive online
lists from scratch
And so much more!
To your ever increasing success,
Paul - Thunder - Sterling
Your Internet Marketing Coach
PS... The $695 FREE BONUS - when you sign up for the full
Teleseminar Secrets Training using the our affiliate link - We
will do a Custom Website 54 Point SEO-Marketing Audit on the
website of your choosing. (because of how labor intensive this
work is we will only be doing it for the first 10 - after that
there will be a waiting list)
PPS To get instant access to the VIP Code Registration - Saves
you $79 on tuition
PPPS Teleseminar Secrets Call with Alex Mandossian
Friday, June 6, 2008
Roadmap For Couples & Lovers
Relationship Roadmap - Finding Your Way out of the Dog House
Monday, June 2, 2008
30 Seconds of Glory - Kayaking & Relationship Bootcamp
Thursday, May 8, 2008
He Has Moved...
Good day... I just had

Come on over and learn how you can add these cool, personalizing
and attention grabbing graphics to your web site. They are quick
and easy...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Product Launch Formula 2 - Is Jeff Crazy?

Now that seams crazy... only for sale for one day.
you have a product on marketing, one of the best even, that takes this very complicated process of making money on the internet and teaches people step-by-step how to bust the code.
so... not only making money, but also dominating almost any niche in a short period of time...
(Jeff being grilled by Eban Pagan and Frank Kern - two of the most successful underground internet marketing bad boys who make millions ever year using Jeff's secret tactics and tools.)
Why would he only going to sell for one day, today, April 2 and then take it off the market.
Is Jeff Crazy?
That's always possible, but not hear... in fact he knows what he is doing. He already did this once and did $1,200,000 in about an hour.
also the classes start April 7 and he need time to get everything set up and going for all the new students.
if you ever wanted to dominate your market place, now is the time, this is the tool.
Please read the BEAR STORY below.
Also to get the $999 web-site marketing review, which is really worth much more, purchase the Product Launch Formula 2 from the link below.
Still not sure, call my office for a free 15 minute review to see if it will work for you.
Paul Sterling
(970) 586-7734
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Product Launch Formula 2 - Free $999 Bonus...
....or at least you should look at very closely.
I am going to work with the first 5 people who buy through my link and give them my personal coaching to help set up their first launch. (note--as of 3/29/08 there are two spaces left)
- this includes a $999.00 web-site and marketing audit...
- you end up with a clear marketing blue-print
- your strengths and weaknesses laid out
- your next steps prioritized...
- and as a very special bonus
- 'Own Google's Front Page' (see results below)
- we start with Keyword search, selection and domination
- then we work with you in how to use those keywords in
- Articles for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Videos for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Web 2.0 for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Social Bookmarking for free traffic & SEO ranking
and contact my office asap so you can be part of the first group we work with... because of the intensity, individualization and attention needed for each person we are limiting this to only 5 business's at a time.
if you have any questions... you can email or call me,
Paul Sterling
(970) 586-7734
PS: not interested in Product Lunch Formula 2 but still want a web-site - marketing audit? - contact our office... please be patient as it may take a few days to get back to you - our PLF 2 clients are keeping very busy and are our priority right now...
PPS: go check out the my results in Owning Google's Front Page.
Just go to Google and type in...
- on fuller living - we have all the first page - most of the second
- sexual myths video - most of first page
- sexual myths podcasts - most of first page (just did that on Friday)
- paul sterling articles - most of first page- the list goes on....
Product Launch Formula 2 - Will Re-Open Door For...

But I am getting ahead of myself...
I just got an email from Jeff... and yes... he practiced what he preached.
He brought in $1,200,000 in about 60 minutes - even though their server crashed. WOW!
Don't get me wrong, i know that it took months of preparation... but still one point two million dollars - WOW.
Let me tell you a quick story about a friend who is thinking about buying, but is a little overwhelmed about learning all the new info.
She has two options -
the first is to pay me the $2,000 to run a mini launch for her... which would really put her health care business on the map.
The second is to buy the program herself and still get some one on one coaching from me as part of the $999 free bonus for the first 5 people who purchase through my affiliate link.
(see the story below if you're interested in this $999 bonus -- get 3 hours of my personal coaching which will include, but isn't limited to, a web-marketing audit and coaching on 'owning' the front page of Google.
Maybe you can relate. My friend is very busy with her business and very successful - but wants to take her business to the next level and stop trading all her precious time for money. She words everyday, and some nights and doesn't want to commit much more her time to marketing.
"How do i keep doing what i am doing... and learn all that new stuff?"
The key here is you don't have to learn it all at once.
And here's a short story to make my point.
Two hikers were walking through the forest when they saw a big bear across a clearing... and the the bad news was that the bear saw them too... and was in a bad mood.

He started to charge them. The one hiker started to run. The other sat down and took off his hiking boots and started putting on sneakers. His buddy saw this and yelled over his shoulder, "why you doing that, you can't outrun the bear".
The guy with the sneakers yelled back, "I don't have to out run the bear. i just have to outrun you."
Ouch - that is a little harsh but you get the point. In business what you need to do is out run your competition in your customer's mind.
To add more real value and perceived value, consistently...that is what Jeff's Product Launch Formula system teaches you to do.
Is it worth 2 grand - that's up to you to decide... but when he opened the doors to some of the smartest, most successful business people on the internet - they bought it for themselves.
how many? well you figure it out, $1,200,000 in just about 60 minutes.
if you are even thinking about it - get over to and put your name and email on the list.
Jeff will be offering the PLF2 for sale again for just a few hours on Wednesday, April 2nd starting at noon east coast time. be ready... and if you have any questions - call or email me.
Paul Sterling
(970) 586-7734
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Product Launch Formula 2 - Closes Door - Did You Miss out...

and if you,ve had your ear to the internet marketing buzz - you've heard about Jeff Walker's PRODUCT LAUNCH FORMULA - part DEUX - the new, improved, more-better, sequel...
Hi Friends,
if you haven't heard about this product yet, i doubt i will convince you to buy a $2,000 product from this short email.
the product is not even available to buy right now anyway. Jeff had his server crash as soon as he opened it for sale... that's how many people were waiting to buy.
once he got it running again he sold so many copies he had to take it down again in just a few hours.
i know -- i was waiting in line... and yes... you bet i bought in the first hour.
and yes i am an affiliate...
so why i am writing if you can't buy the product right now???
simple -- i have been in contact with Jeff's office and i think he is going to open it up again for a very shot period...
so if you were thinking about getting Product Launch Formula 2 - you will want to be on the waiting list.
even if you don't want to buy - you get a damn good training in marketing just from watching his free videos in exchange for your first name and email...
lastly... if you are thinking of getting PLF2... buy it from me you'll get a bonus you can't refuse (or at least you should look at very closely)...
I am going to work with the first 5 people who buy through my link and give them my personal coaching to help set up their first launch. (note--as of 3/29/08 there are two spaces left)
- this includes a $999.00 web-site and marketing audit...
- you end up with a clear marketing blue-print
- your strengths and weaknesses laid out
- your next steps prioritized...
- and as a very special bonus
- 'Own Google's Front Page' (see results below)
- we start with Keyword search, selection and domination
- then we work with you in how to use those keywords in
- Articles for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Videos for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Web 2.0 for free traffic & SEO ranking
- Social Bookmarking for free traffic & SEO ranking
and contact my office asap so you can be part of the first group we work with... because of the intensity, individualization and attention needed for each person we are limiting this to only 5 business's at a time.
if you have any questions... you can email or call me,
Paul Sterling
(970) 586-7734
PS: not interested in Product Lunch Formula 2 but still want a web-site - marketing audit? - contact our office... please be patient as it may take a few days to get back to you - our PLF 2 clients are keeping very busy and are our priority right now...
PPS: go check out the my results in Owning Google's Front Page. Just go to Google and type in...
- on fuller living - we have all the first page - most of the second
- sexual myths video - most of first page
- sexual myths podcasts - most of first page (just did that on Friday)
- paul sterling articles - most of first page- the list goes on....
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Product Launch Formula Is Happening TODAY

Jeff Walker has done an amazing job at building interest, momentum and profits... launching his launching system.
He's practicing what he preaches while thousands of people are watching.
Way to go, Jeff.
Even if you are not going to buy his new system - Product Launch Formula 2 - it's worth it just to sign in and watch the free videos... (his has already given away almost a whole internet marketing course just in the free stuff)...
Now, it may not be for you... but if it is, you'd better act fast. Jeff expects it to sell out in about 6 hours... 6 HOURS!
There are so many ways to use this system - Kristin and I are using it to launch an upcoming teleseminar series on The Sexual Myths That Destroy Intimacy...
Kristin, and I teach compassionate communication for couples through our company,
We have a survey instrument up that gleans people’s needs around relationship communication. And we noticed that a whole lot of people are telling us that they urgently need some help around sexuality or, they believe, their relationship will end.
It took a bit, but finally, when Kristin and I had our own upset over sex, we went to our coach, Linda Hampton, and she helped us turn around the upset into closeness and connection in only one session.
But rather then do business as usual - we decided to use your launch technology.
So... We asked Linda if she’d be willing to discuss the same Sexual Myths with our clients as she had discussed with us. And she said yes!
So we’ve put together a free teleseminar to be followed by a series of teleseminar classes.
First we put together an Ask Campaign – and boy are we getting some good questions form the people signing up!
We took those questions and stripped them of identification and posted some of them on the blog for other people to see what questions we’ll be addressing. It's building interest and participation.
We’ve got some natural ‘scarcity’ in that Linda doesn’t do teleseminars and probably won’t do any teleseminars again in the near future. Plus we only want to work with 30 couples on the line so that they get personalized attention for what can be issues that are very difficult to talk about.
We’ve also used the Ask Campaign questions in our email broadcasts to let people know about the teleseminars.
And we’re getting an incredibly good response! I’m actually a bit surprised – when people have spent years avoiding the discussion of sex and intimacy with their partner, or anybody else, I didn’t know if they would want to sign up for this examination of their own belief systems.
But they do! Woohoo!
We have more people interested in the call then we can handle and they don't even know the price yet...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Product Launch Formula... Is about to LAUNCH!

And... this event is about to happen, ready or not.
Product Launch Formula... Is about to LAUNCH!
I am both excited and sad because I know some of my readers are a bit like me... waiting...
Always waiting until the last minute... if that is you stop what ever else you are doing, were thinking of doing and watch the videos at this site right now.
don't get me wrong... it may not be for you, the only way to tell is really look it over before the whistle blows and it's too late...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yes - There Are Internet Secrets You Don't Know - And They Aren't Telling... but we got em on tape...

I will be brief....
These are the 3 multi-million dollar amigos...
And... they are responsible for complete and utter mayhem on the internet.
In Fact they have turned things upside down and shaken the way almost every awake marketer thinks about selling on the internet.
If you can't identify them and don't know their stories it could be costing your company millions.
You may not recognize their faces... but they have been part of almost every major product launch that has happened over the past few year.
okay now i am being the bad boy of marketing and letting a video out of the bag - early so do not tell...
watch this video and take notes... you will be glad you did.
If an ex-Alaskan Commercial Fisherman like me can get it...
PS here are the next steps - and no whining - click on the link - and of course you are going to be taken to a page with a place for your name and email... watch the video there and do it... only then will you get to see the video i talk about above.
No one said success was easy - just worth-while.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Live Better, Work Less, Do What You Love... and Make A Difference
** Special Message **
For more info and to sign up for these life changing calls
(that is if you actually listen to the calls... and use the info.)